niina.amniisia » bits, pieces and photos from sydney, australia and elsewhere

cured (Sunday October 23rd, 2005 - 23:27)

category: mmhuh?

How to boost the gig count? See 9 bands in a 30 hour period.

Friday night at Spectrum it was Bam Bam, Dead Frenchmen, Damn Arms and Riff Random; the first two of whom are the epitome of ceilinggazers and the last of whom appears to have taken a lovely detour in sound.

Saturday night the Gaelic Club rolled on Jack Ladder, Starky (only two old songs.. aww.. but you’re lush anyway), and Dappled Cities Fly. A Nathan Hudson (Faker) lookalike/dancealike in the crowd was a funny site to see. Then the Mandarin Club treated us to the tail end of Mercy Arms and a bizarre set by a band whose name I don’t know but every single song lasted less than 45 seconds. Genius. Boy the Mandarin Club is an odd little trashy venue.

A brilliant weekend and after watching bits of the Aria’s on tv tonight I feel like I have to provide a speech so I would like to thank all those whom entertained me this weekend. Those who kept me up til the wee hours and played my guitars. I’d like to thank my itunes for providing me with inspiration and the bands I saw for inducing a smile and providing guitar lessons. Thank you, and good night.

4 comments to “cured”
mark said on October 24th, 2005 at 2:05 pm:

Dude, the last band, according to the ad in the paper, is called Jemima Jemima. They’re from Melb. D’You try explaining that band to others? I kinda just gave up and said ‘ya have ta just see ’em’

yee ha

scot k gallen said on October 24th, 2005 at 4:07 pm:

hey, the bass player from bambam was cute…you forgot to mention the funny little line we stood in amazement/trepidation/confusion of….

it was good to see the former bassist of the morning after girls again in his new band also…the man is a sex therapist…hmm

scot k gallen said on October 26th, 2005 at 10:25 am:

Oh yeah, in case you were all wondering, Talikka and I have started a new musical movement called ‘Ceiling Gazer’

I’m sure you can figure it out

Dan said on November 11th, 2005 at 9:15 pm:

I wish my gig count could get up to anywhere approaching yours, however I just don’t seem to have the time, stamina, money, inclination, whatever for it nowadays. I think I’ve been to two gigs so far this year, possibly three.

Still, at least I finally got to see the Jim Muir Slideshow last week (they were wonderful, but a bit too quiet and contemplative for the crowd at the Halloween gig) and tonight I’m off to my annual Cardiacs spectacular which I am understandably excited about.

Tonight’s gig:
Last week’s band: