niina.amniisia » bits, pieces and photos from sydney, australia and elsewhere

why didn’t you warn me? [d] (Monday September 20th, 1999 - 00:00)

category: mmhuh?

a dream last night of three boys..

I am living in some sort of small cottage – one room – with vertical louvre type windows that you can stick your hand through. There are windows on two adjoining walls (one at the side of my bed, the other at the foot of the bed). My cottage is facing up a hill and I’m lying in bed watching the houses about 100 metres away.

Down the hill comes a procession of people with something red in a carriage at the lead. As it comes closer, proceeding right past my bedside window, I notice that it is Elmo and he grins at me as he continues on his way. The people follow and I see that they are playing instruments (but actually I can not hear them). One boy is banging on a drum suspended from his neck.. one of his drum sticks breaks and I watch him pick up the knob and try to piece it together. It fails and he throws them away.

The people continue walking, three boys emerge, see me, and they look at me slyly. It seems that the rest of the band has stopped and they walk back up the hill but these boys stay watching me. I have to go outside for some reason and as I do, the door slams shut. I walk down to the left hand side of my house and put my hand through the louvre to retrieve the spare key, and all this time they watch me. I put the key in the lock and let myself back in, and walk over to my bed to put the key in it’s “hiding” spot. the boys continue looking at me.

I don’t know if it’s straight away, or a little later, there’s a knock on the door and I know that it’s the boys. I open the door and they waltz in talking and shouting. We disagree on something, or they just get irate for the fun of it and they push my documents off a table. I start to scream and pound them with my fists but they are large boys. I think one tries to kiss me and I realise that it’s Alan (Brown)*. He grabs hold of me for a while and then lets go and I stand at my door shouting for people to come and help me, but they’re all at the top of the hill by now. Two little kids come out from nearby houses to look at the noise. One runs back in to his house but the other comes over.

The three boys must have left as the child comes in and says “I saw them coming.”

* note: Alan Brown was a primary school friend of mine who was murdered on October 3 1998

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