niina.amniisia » bits, pieces and photos from sydney, australia and elsewhere

the devastations @ the annandale [17 shots] (Saturday February 9th, 2008)

category: music

the Devastations

the Devastations at the Annandale Hotel.

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

the Devastations

2 comments to “the devastations @ the annandale [17 shots]”
Will said on February 10th, 2008 at 10:46 pm:

I really wanted to come to this show, but I had a prior commitment that I couldn’t break. Were they great? I’ve been listening to the album non-stop for the last two weeks.

niina said on February 11th, 2008 at 5:44 pm:

I haven’t heard the new album yet so didn’t have a point to compare on, but I loved the older songs they played and they put on a good show.