niina.amniisia » bits, pieces and photos from sydney, australia and elsewhere

two more sleeps.. (Monday April 16th, 2007 - 23:44)

category: mmhuh?

me and my macbook are going on a holiday

Me and my new baby (above!) are going on holiday. Packing procrastination is starting to get very tough.. I think I’ve done all that I can do to avoid it over the last few days so this is a last ditch attempt before I have to give in and make sense of the pile of bits-and-bobs that have landed in the middle of my lounge room floor.

San Francisco’s calling but the tune’s a little quiet. I can’t make out what exactly you want me to do when I get there. I’m sure you’ll be singing loudly in my ear soon enough.

Los Angeles, oh the city of smog-checks and few pedestrians, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you but I’ll attempt to decipher you again in a week. Old friends in tow. Excitement itching at us.

The desert and Coachella. Currently pegged at the fear factor because you’re the things that make me want to run… crowds + heat. But there’s one thing that had better make it all worth while. I’m…. sure (ish) it will.

Followed by a little cactus hunting and boardwalk walking, it’ll be time to head home.

Wow, that makes it all seem so.. quick.

4 comments to “two more sleeps..”
lostmusic said on April 17th, 2007 at 7:01 pm:


Can’t wait!


heretic said on April 18th, 2007 at 3:06 pm:

whoops, we were supposed to be doing some form of social thing before you went… umm, let’s make the plan “go for coffee upon your triumphant return” 🙂

have fun!

hedgehog said on April 19th, 2007 at 10:29 pm:

Procrastinating my own packing for as long as I can…

Getting seriously excited about the trip now. Can’t hardly wait for Sunday 🙂

Dan Sumption said on April 21st, 2007 at 12:47 am:

“my new baby…” I admit, I did a double-take on reading that.

I always thought you were a PC-person, are you a new switchee? If so, how are you finding it? I got suckered in by Mr Jobs’s advertising campaing and by the harassment of my many Mac-using friends, bought myself a Powerbook a year or two back, but I haven’t enjoyed the experience at all, I find Macs incredibly hard work and am greatly looking forward to “switching” back next time I have the money.