niina.amniisia » bits, pieces and photos from sydney, australia and elsewhere

the morning after girls [7 shots] (Thursday August 25th, 2005)

category: music

the morning after girls
the morning after girls at a quiet little gig at club 77
swore I’d never take my camera there to struggle in red lights but..
too tired to hop around to take a good shot so I sat on the floor
the result = some dark bits of nothing

the morning after girls

the morning after girls

the morning after girls

the morning after girls

the morning after girls

the morning after girls

4 comments to “the morning after girls [7 shots]”
scot said on August 27th, 2005 at 6:57 pm:

Hey, has martin left the band?

All of you should be happy the photos exist after the artists little “incident” on her way home….

niina said on August 28th, 2005 at 11:33 am:

Should I complain a little more about red lights? One day I’ll get a little gentle external flash that won’t be annoying and then I’ll take pictures of every member of a band regardless of the venue.

I’m sure Mr Boud ( will have some proof up in the next few days that Martin exists.

PS. there was no “incident”. All involved have since shook hands and agreed it was a misunderstanding.

thom said on September 2nd, 2005 at 12:47 pm:

tis beautiful to see.. tank u kindly niina

Dan said on September 5th, 2005 at 2:44 pm:

Just published my pics too. Linked from here. Not sure if Martin is in any of them.