niina.amniisia » bits, pieces and photos from sydney, australia and elsewhere

dom mariani [8 shots] (Friday August 5th, 2005)

category: music

dom mariani
the dom.
Dom Mariani at the Empire
I was thinking of you Rider 🙂

dom mariani

dom mariani

dom mariani

dom mariani

dom mariani

dom mariani

dom mariani

one comment to “dom mariani [8 shots]”
Wiseblood said on August 10th, 2005 at 1:28 pm:

Woohoo! Well done, young lady :). Did he play any Stems or Someloves songs you recognized?

Now if I could coerce you into going to see the Beasts Of Bourbon at the Gaelic on Aug. 12 ;).

Hope you had a good time seeing Mr. Mariani. Looks like it would’ve been a fun night.