The camera returned from those nasty Canon Australia kidnappers and speedily dragged me by the hand to Spectrum to snap some bands. First up one whose name I don’t know – they were billed as the Mercy Arms but I’ve been told they were the Faux Furs – fine stuff whatever they were called. The Valentinos followed filling up the stage, making noise and hopping around quickly.
Pomo Mofo need their own paragraph. A turtle in a half shell, a guy wearing ski goggles and a morning jacket while smoking a cigar, and a couple of tennis players complete with wooden rackets and tennis balls in their pants. They rocked out in a an electronic hiphop style, sang about new york and david hasselhoff, played tennis, waltzed, and had the whole crowd wearing smiles. Damn fine entertainment.
Who else have I seen over the last few weeks? I saw a bit of the Fragments (har har) and they were fine. Phonograph put up with being shoved in to the side bar at the Annandale and a slightly overexcited crowd. The Spark were nice in a 80s stadium (transferred into a little room) style. Tambalane were smooth and that genius Wesley Carr has a stunning voice on him. Meek I can’t really recall. I managed to see The Luke Perry Heartbreakers last Friday for the second time and they were rocking again. I Love Space were lovely. Daughterboy Jao .. though they sounded okay I found them scary.. it’s really uncomfortable to watch a bass playing space out girl whose ribs stick out further than her nipples.
Note to self: start to write about what bands sound like rather than just saying “nice”, “rocking” or “fine”.