has shuffled off over the seas – the domain’s still propagating but people seem to be finding it. re-directs and subdomain’s are being set up for my various bits and pieces and I’ve taken the time to upgrade the phpBB version for some candy talking (easy peasy!) and wordpress for this here site (plenty of tinkering undertaken already but it’s obvious there’s plenty more to be done).
The main page here now shows a combination of mmhuh? and shots posts and the separate sections are in and Haven’t tested rss feeds yet but I’ll sort them out (sorry mr sumption, I know you hate it when I move the feeds around).
If anyone has sent me emails since Friday, I most likely haven’t received them so please try again in a few days.
More gibberish to come..
Wow.. the old rss address seems to be working but it doesn’t look like it’s automatically doing separate feeds for mmhuh? and shots but that’s no biggie at the moment – I don’t think I ever managed to get the earlier version of wordpress to split them.
looks nice. but then, considering you’ve gone with white, grey, black and blue it’s hardly surprising that i’d like it 🙂