niina.amniisia » bits, pieces and photos from sydney, australia and elsewhere

snooze booze (Monday January 17th, 2005 - 21:46)

category: mmhuh?

In effort to make up for the no-go vibe of last weekend I decided to try a little harder. Wandered around the city with a friend dropping in to HMV and Borders to hunt for the Morning After Girls EP. No luck. At Red Eye I bought the previous EP and they said the new one hadn’t turned up yet. Hmm.

Killing time while my photos were being processed we wandered down to the MCA (wow.. haven’t checked out their site for years since the days Spike looked after it and have to say it looks great. Neat, clean and I like all the little people). I liked the Bridget Riley exhibition the most – large canvasses with lines or circles creating visual illusions of depth.

Saturday night I went to the Hopetoun and caught Dsico – a man, his vocal chords and an unhappy laptop – an all girl three piece band who were pint sized but loud, and Midnight Juggernauts during which the frontman from Wolfmother hopped up for a tune.

2 comments to “snooze booze”
Dan said on January 19th, 2005 at 12:48 pm:

Nice piccies Niina!

Twas a pleasure to make your acquaintence. I can’t believe you dragged me to the judgement bar and made me stay up all night drinking. You are such a bad influence 😉

niina said on January 19th, 2005 at 6:48 pm:

😉 I would like to make it known to the www that I had no influence over any of the events whatsoever. thank -you- for a good chuckling (and rather blathered) night.