niina.amniisia » bits, pieces and photos from sydney, australia and elsewhere

sans guts (Sunday December 19th, 2004 - 20:46)

category: mmhuh?

So down to hmv on Saturday morning to try DVD shopping which is something I’m not used to considering I only have a DVD player in my computer which I don’t use (I must be the only one in the family now to not have a DVD player.. eeps!) and only own 1 DVD for (my favourite film, “Basquiat”, cause it was only $10 and my video copy is getting a bit old).

With Dan‘s (no Sumption, not you Dan, another Dan) synopsis of Elmo‘s recommendation for “My Life as a House” I thought it might not be to mum’s taste so found “Love Actually” which made me want to faint at $42.95. Hmm.. I perused the squishy aisles with half of Sydney but after 15 minutes feeling unsure of things in general I decided to give Borders a try across the other side of Pitt St Mall. Their downstairs collection is extensive and neatly displayed in high bookshelves.

Within 5 minutes and noticing their signs for buy-4-get-5th-free deal I somehow found myself laden down with 7 DVDs! Umm.. I put a few down but then before reaching the counters picked up a few more and then had to debate with myself over which were actually for mum and which I’d decided to start my own DVD collection with.

I had “Love Actually” (I saw it last year and loved it) for $39.95 so saving a couple of dollars from HMV, a Rod Stewart in concert (which mum should adore), “Lost in Translation” which I’m not sure I’ll be able to give up, “Northern Exposure – Season One” which will probably go to mum, and “Donnie Darko – the Director’s Cut” which is definitely mine! When I went up to pay there was a queue of 20 or so people but it moved steadily along and I found out that “Love Actually” was on special for $24.95 (I love saving money) and I got a $10 voucher to spend in January. Sweet.

So next year I’ll buy a DVD player and start up the collection… “Wonder Boys” was only $15 and “Before Sunrise” which I haven’t seen yet but have seen the sequel of was only $10. I had no ideas you could get nice movies so cheap. What hole have I been living in?

At home I decided to watch “Love Actually” on my computer and got a little worried.. there’s a bunch of swearing and I forgot about the pornstar-stand-in-couple! Eeps. I’m sure mum’ll enjoy it anyway 🙂

Today I decided to go for a wander before I realised how hot the day was getting. In the need for a change from busses I took the light rail in beautiful air-conditioned comfort to Glebe and wandered about the backstreets until I hooked back up with Glebe Point Road and found the park at the end of it. Groups of people were enjoying Christmas parties, a fisherman was trying his luck in the bay, a few boats were being rowed about, and I enjoyed viewing the city from a different angle. I sat about under trees and took photos and felt a tad hot under the 38°C sun shine.

My shoulders are a little burnt but overall I fared well. The afternoon has seen a thunder storm come and go in 5 minutes and the winds are picking up now.

Time to try and find the suitcase and figure out what I’m taking out to the coutryside on Friday. AGM for my building’s body corporate tomorrow night which is going to be interesting – I’m backing plans to ask the council to allows us to block our back garden off considering it’s used by drunks and drugged out people to crash out in these days. Work’ll be busy tieing up projects before the office closes, making sure any updates the clients want on their websites can be done, etc etc etc. I’m counting down the days til I get to chase mum’s sheep…..

one comment to “sans guts”
Dan said on December 28th, 2004 at 7:29 pm:

Heh, DVDs are fun. I’ve been watching lo.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.ots, probably because I watch mine via an LCD projector & screen (actually an old curtain) with about a 3m diagonal (bigger than any of the pubs around here have!), and also because I have been getting hugely into movies in general & visiting the cinema lots.

I saw Love Actually with Gill in Manchester last year – I rather enjoyed it, but couldn’t help hating myself for doing so, I felt shamelessly manipulated. Lost in Translation was one of my favourites of the year, as was Before Sunset (I’ve also not seen Before Sunrise). And Donnie Darko, of course, fucking rocks (not seen the director’s cut, but from what I heard it’s not a huge improvement on the original).

I’ve seen three very _very_ wonderful films in the last week, none of which will appeal to your mum: Monster, Dirty Pretty Things, & Elephant. Elephant especially was incredible, the camera work & directing style could not be more perfect.

Trying to think of something that _might_ appeal to your mum… hmm, that’s hard, I think everything I’ve watched recently either has guts in or is slightly, erm, weird.

Actually, I do have a recommendation, though I’ve no idea whether you’d be able to pick it up on DVD – Kitchen Stories is I think the single best film I’ve seen in 2004, no guts, incredibly moving, and since the original (Salmer fra kjøkkenet) is Swedish & is set in Norway… well, there’s a nice Scandinavian feel to it.

My second favourite film of the year? American Splendour – – also very moving, very human, and no guts.