The BBC informs me that England has now broken it’s previously highest recorded temperature and hit 37.9 degrees today. I took my own little Moomin themometer out back earlier and it rose to 38 degrees and was trying to climb to 39 but I couldn’t stand to be out there any longer.
Yesterday Steve and I decided to go and find me a fan from the local Currys but after wandering about in their air conditioned comfort, staring at lovely Dysons (I can’t wait for the day when I can get myself a Dyson!) and flat screen tvs, we realised we’d not seen a single fan. Just as we were about to ask someone, I overheard a fellow hot person asking after fans only be told they were out of stock.
So we went next door to B&Q only to overhear the exact same exchange between two other people.
On to Asda and no fans to be had there either.
Went to Smersh near Old Street for Steve’s flatmate’s birthday drinks.. until about 10pm it was fine but after that the air conditioner was spitting out water and the room was heavy with a layer of sweat. We opted to stand outside on the street but that didn’t provide much relief.