niina.amniisia » bits, pieces and photos from sydney, australia and elsewhere

busybee (Thursday May 29th, 2003 - 00:50)

category: mmhuh?

been working hard at my ktobe stuff

put up the tompaulin new site’s holding page today.. the full site will be ready in a few weeks. i adore their music so i’m happy to be doing the site. looking forward to the singles collection that’s coming out soon.

did a bunch of work on the phase 1 soundandnoise site which will hopefully go live in the next few days. can’t tell you what it is yet, but all will be revealed..

and yesterday i re-set up and recovered messages for the sydney actor message board which had fallen over and lost it’s templates and various other files. in the near future i’ll be doing a bit of a make over for them and adding some new features. can’t wait!

time to switch off now.. i’m still reading william gibson’s neuromancer so i think i’ll attack that.. on page 179 of 271 and i have to say it’s tough reading. i’m not used to reading sci-fi and i’ve spent most of the book lost.. things slowly started making more sense about 30 pages ago but i’ll be glad when i finish it (though of course then i’ll feel the need to re-tackle it sometime soon to make more sense of it).

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