i finally sorted out a weblog for myself thanks to greymatter.. despite various attempts to try and get my old entries in with correct dates i gave up after an hour of fiddling and will leave them in the archive as pre-weblog.
i wrote the following on july 27 to dan:
oddest thing this morning but it makes me smile thinking about it.
i’m standing at the bus stop having a cigarette and randomly looking about. across the street a tall, dark curly haired, tanned, comfy looking guy is leaning against the door frame of a little moroccan cafe/bar/restaurant (i’ve not yet been in there, it looks a little elite). he’s smoking a cigarette and looks at me, we both look away, eyes wander randomly about the street, return back to him and he’s looking at me again. he finishes his cigarette and goes inside and sits down in the dark, but i can still see his face. while i finish my cigarette he watches. after a minute his face disappears from the dark.
i call caroline to tell her i’m running late, i pace around a bit, and as i see my bus down the road he appears in the door frame again with another cigarette. the bus pulls in, i jump on, as i pay the driver i can see the man watching me. i take a seat and i look up at him through the window. there’s a few metres between us. he waves, i wave, and the bus pulls off.
note added September 15, 2001 : though greymatter is gorgeous, i decided to build a database to hold these thoughts to learn a little more about php and mysql