niina.amniisia » bits, pieces and photos from sydney, australia and elsewhere

late spring.. bring on summer (Sunday May 27th, 2001 - 00:00)

category: mmhuh?

opening the windows

stepping out of the shower and not feeling cold

increased number of people loitering around kensington gardens

crave icy drinks rather than coffee

hours spent picnicing on a hillside

looking out the window day dreaming of picnicing

lunch on the roof at work

short sleeved shirts

view from a bus : man on regent street groping his crotch for a few seconds, then he moves his hand in a circular motion around the top of his thigh and it becomes apparent he is unzipping the legs of his trousers to remove them and turn them into shorts

urge to visit the river or suitable equivalent

pasty pale skinned men stripping off their shirts and sitting outside cafes and pubs

leaving a bar and the sun’s still shining

wandering up to the corner store at 10pm and the sky not yet a solid darkness

the vibe

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