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my best friend’s wedding (Sunday April 15th, 2001 - 00:00)

category: mmhuh?

Tonight I watched the Julia Roberts film, “My Best Friend’s Wedding”, and I make no apologies for, nor will ever regret, my love of soppy, feel-good films.

There’s nothing quite like collapsing on a comfortable couch, flicking the channels and finding a nice love story. They are quite often outrageous in style, unbelievable in content, but there are those small sparks – the friendships, loves, perfect moments – that make me smile.

A few years ago I invited an old friend I hadn’t seen for several years to watch a soppy film. He practically kicked and screamed until we sat in our seats and the film began. It was sweet, it was soppy, but more than that it was fun to sit with a friend, chuckle, cringe, feel a little sad and then come out with a smile. Both of us did.

There’s nothing wrong with watching someone else’s make believe stories to lift your spirits.

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