niina.amniisia » bits, pieces and photos from sydney, australia and elsewhere

like it were just the other day (Saturday June 3rd, 2000 - 00:00)

category: mmhuh?

I’ve had a spent roll of film moving itself around my old bedroom and now my apartment, which I look at occasionally and wonder what it contains, when was it used? I thought perhaps it a few years old. Until I developed it last week.

I told the developer that it was old and I wasn’t sure if it could actually be developed, and to my surprise most of the pictures came out, though admittedly rather faded and colourless.

1993.. 7 year old photographs. Friends from school shying away from the camera. Classroom photographs. Lunchtime photographs.

I normally develop my films within a month of taking the photographs. Having never seen these particular pictures before made it feel as if those does were just the other day.

Perhaps sometime I’ll develop a film and ignore the urge to peek at them, hide them away, and stumble across them a few years later to stop distancing myself from the past so (unconsciously) easily.

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