niina.amniisia » bits, pieces and photos from sydney, australia and elsewhere

starky @ the beach road hotel [11 shots] (Sunday October 8th, 2006)

category: music


Starky at the Beach Road Hotel in Bondi

The weirdest, most spun-out crowd I’ve seen for them, full of backpacker madness. People were falling over each other dancing and hooting.

In other news, I’m now officially bored of my broken camera and deciding on the upgrade. Lacking autofocus in low-light conditions isn’t much fun (thus the photoshop-blasted shots presented here rather than nice masterpieces).





… followed by some itty bitty ones for my amigos

starky   starky

starky   starky

starky   starky

3 comments to “starky @ the beach road hotel [11 shots]”
Megan said on October 9th, 2006 at 11:24 pm:

But wheres the Face??? aaaah the Face!!? the most important part!!

hahaha I’ll forgive you…this time 😉

niina said on October 9th, 2006 at 11:33 pm:

Next time you can bring a torch to provide some make-shift lighting and I promise to shoot better for you 🙂

(or maybe I’ll just get my new camera and a new lens.. or wait for a venue with proper lighting..)

Megan said on October 10th, 2006 at 5:02 pm:

mmm…make-shift lighting may be a little too obvious.

I vote for new camera and lens…benefits us both you see!