niina.amniisia » bits, pieces and photos from sydney, australia and elsewhere

it pours (Wednesday June 14th, 2006)

category: tech and web drivel

(dull blog warning)

I’ve been trying to figure out how to deal with spam floods lately to this little blog of mine – gibberish comments about roulette, poker, viagra, loans and ridiculous stuff – with hundreds, and on a couple of occasions thousands, of comments piling up in the space of a day. Nothing seemed to help so I’ve taken a bit of a drastic measure (aka. editing my .htaccess file) to try and combat the problem but legitimate people who feel like posting comments shouldn’t have a problem…. but if you do, please let me know by sending me a note on my contact form.

It seriously baffles me that people think it’s a great idea to write an application that, on the click of a button, hits someone’s blog over and over again to try and fill it with links to other web sites.

The day when someone figures out how to spam an iPod and fill it with adverts so that you can’t listen to your own tunes until you delete thousands of spam songs will be a very sad day (I’m still loving my new iPod!).

3 comments to “it pours”
Dan said on June 15th, 2006 at 4:59 am:

I used some widget on my MT blog – I forget the name (and the URL) but if I remember correctly, it adds some JavaScript which checks that the poster is using a keyboard to type their post in by checking that the letters are typed individually. It’s cut out 99.99% of spam for me – I used to get about a dozen a day until I installed it about a year ago, now I get about 1 a month.

lostmusic said on June 15th, 2006 at 8:31 am:

test! test!


Niina said on June 15th, 2006 at 2:59 pm:

Thanks for the tests guys!

Dan – that would be why one comment I made a few months back on your site got ditched ! I have a tendency to write responses in notepad and then paste in to a comment box because I find comment boxes restrictive to my creativity due to their tiny size 🙂